Currently May! I am joining up with
Oh Boy, Fourth Grade for this Linky!
1. Audio Books- I have been using
Audible in the car and even at home while cooking I will continue to listen to audible using my phone. I am really enjoying it so far. It is a lot better than CD's because I can use it in the car and then anywhere else I can take my phone.
I really enjoyed these books on audible:
I am now listening to,
2. Lunar Chronicles- I also like reading books:) This set is SOOO GOOD! I can't wait for the next book to come out. If you love Fairy Tales and Fantasy, you will love these books.
3. I just can't get over there are only 4 weeks left in this school year! Time to start thinking about an End of the Year Party! My grade level discussed a Hawaiian Luau, but we haven't work out any details. Pinterest, here I come...
4. I really want a new purse. I've had my same Vera Bradley for about a year and that is a long time for me. I may start shopping after I finish this post. :)
5. Lots happening this Summer!
My husband and I are searching for a new home.
My school is being repurposed (meaning it is closing this year) and all the employees are being transferred to other schools in the system. This is a sad and exciting time for us. So, I am sure that means I will be in my new school getting things "just right" before school begins in August.
We already have a beach trip planned that I am SUPER excited about!
I am hoping to get lots done on my TPT to do list, including clip art!
Check back with the original
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