I have survived 2 weeks in First Grade at a new school. :)
I am excited to link up with DoodleBugs Five For Friday
I've not posted my Five for Friday in a couple weeks, not from lack of trying, I've just had too much to do! So, this may be a lot of info in one post. :) Enjoy
Open House
My Door- The lights around the door run off a battery pack. I found them at Target in the $3 section.
QR Codes for Parents to leave email addresses in a google form
This BLOG gives you directions on creating a google form and then I just used QRStuff to create a QR Code for parents to access the form easily.
Magnets- Great way for students to have my email right at their finger tips.
First Grade Rocks!
New Products
My Alphabet Posters with real photos have been my best sellers lately. My mom teaches 5th and requested that I make a set with cursive as well. I have both sets with white and black backgrounds in my store.
I had the wonderful Alexis from LaughEatLearn give my husband's store a makeover and it looks absolutely amazing. Alexis is the best!
His new logo:
His TPT Store Banner
His TPT Store Quote Box
You can check out his store HERE!
These are the best tubs for reading and math stations. They have lids and can be stacked. I also like displaying I CAN lists using the lids and they are large enough for paper to fit in without curling up. I bought mine at WalMart they are sterilite brand.
I found these are The Dollar Tree and they are perfect for holding cards. I think they are supposed to be snack containers. The best part, they are 2 for $1.
I sent out my first Scholastic Book Order for the year. Thanks to these great templates from LaughEatLearn you can find them in her TPT Store HERE
We read Chrysanthemum and students creating themselves using construction paper and wrote about what makes them special and unique! Such a fun project for the beginning of the year.
Made these CVC Picture Cards for reading centers. Students loved them. You can find them in my store HERE
My dog is the perfect example of how "dog tired" teachers are after the first couple weeks of school!
Thanks for listening to my randomness from the week!