Check out my Five For Friday for the week. I sure do love linking up with DoodleBugs Teaching!
Back from Spring Break required two things: Starbucks and my trusty Sand Snake Tieks!
Alphabet Posters HERE
We enjoyed making Weather books or Little Red Riding Hood books. We've read about both this week and I allowed students to choose one of the two to turn into a book. I used some grocery store brown paper bags as the book covers.
During math we worked on making equal groups and finding multiple solutions to problems.
If you have 40 fish, how can you equally distribute them into fish tanks?
We used BlendSpace to review comparing numbers with interactive websites and videos. I find it easy for students to access BlendSpace by putting the link on Edmodo.
Took some time to organize a few of the books I ordered from Scholastic. I organize my books with these labels you can find in my store. I then put color coded and numbers stickers on the tub and on each book so students will be able to put them back in the correct tub after reading. This system has worked really well. You can find the labels HERE.
My new product for the week!
You can see it HERE.
My mom has started up her own store on TPT. She teaches 5th grade and has started with listing Paired Passages. Her products are unique because the fictional part of her paired passages have the same characters and read more like chapters in a book opposed to stand alone passages. The main character is Skeeter and at the end of reading one passages students ask, "When are we going to read the next one?" You and you're students will fall in love with Skeeter. You can see her Duncan's Munchkin's store HERE.
Here's one of her FREE products.
Funny things you find yourself saying or students saying. I've decided to start posting these on instagram as I reflect on my day for fun. My instagram name is casedillacrumbsclassroom
Anyone else have something funny to share?
Thanks for joining me for my randomness from the week!

Coming back from break is something to brace yourself for... but the end is in sight and it will fly by. Your comment about your sweet tea reminds me of the time one of my parents said they asked their daughter if they should get me coffee or tea for a little treat. Her daughter insisted I only drank hot water because she only ever saw me get water from the sink and put it in the microwave :) See you around. Kathleen