This year was the first year that I had a Book Tasting and it was lots of fun.
What is a Book Tasting?
Well, first off let me tell you that you do not need to bake anything! It is just a fun way to expose students to different genres and books that they may not usually pick up to read. I tell them that when they taste a meal they do not eat the whole thing. They just get a bite. During the book tasting they are not going to read the whole book. They will just read a bite or piece of it.
Students came to the media center during their specials time and we had books from different genres on each table. Students stayed at each table for about 10 minutes. They read one of the books for 5 minutes and then had 5 minutes to fill out part of the "menu" to tell about their first impressions of the book and to rate the book out of 5 stars. I then had students switch tables and read from a different genre.
My para and I wore a chef hat and a red apron. We decorated the tables with red and white table cloths and silver platters in the middle for the books to sit in. I was able to order all of these things on amazon. The tablecloths were large rectangles and I cut them in half to used one table cloth on two square tables.
I make lots of products for TeachersPayTeachers, but sometimes you don't need to because someone else has created something wonderful. I used by Head over Heals for Teaching. I used this product for my 3rd-5th grade students and it was such a time saver.
The main thing I really had to plan and make something for was Kindergarten-2nd grade, because I am one of those media specialists on the specials schedule and I see K-5 all in one day. If I am going to dress up and decorate the media center with table cloths, silver platters, and menus, then we are ALL going to enjoy this book tasting! Not to mention, students would have been super sad to come to the media center after seeing it like this during the week and not get to participate. In reality, the main purpose of the Book Tasting is to get student attention and to get them excited about reading. I feel that I definitely accomplished this main goal.
So, for K-2, I put different stacks of books on each table (it was just a general variety not organized by genre) and they rotated from table to table and I made a simple sheet where students could draw a quick picture and write about whether of not they like the book or their favorite part of the book after reading/looking at the books on each table. They are also able to rate their impression of the book out of 5 stars, which they really enjoyed this concept. I always try to explain this by saying a really good restaurant is called a 5 star restaurant.
I wish I had take more pictures. Well, there's always next year!
The super simple sheet I made for K-2 can be found for FREE in my TPT Store.

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