Pet Writing
While working on opinion writing, I read I Wanna Iguana, Pet Show, What Pet Should I Get, Not Norman and Harry the Dirty Dog. Students used popplet to organize their ideas for what kind of pet they would want and reasons to support their opinion of why this would be a good pet. After completing the popplet, students wrote in their journal about the pet they would want including reasons to support their opinion. After writing in their journal they typed their writing and used the sock puppet app to record their voice reading their own writing. The QR Code takes you to a video of the sock puppet reading the writing. We also water color painted the pet to go along with our writing. Students really enjoyed writing about pets this week!
Sock Puppet Published Writing
Amazing Race
I've been working hard to exercise each day this week for my team.
This has been my snack each day this week.
I received stability balls for each student in my class!
I also received this primary journals for writing. I love that they have writing lines on each page for handwriting that is perfect for first grade compared to a regular notebook.
Phonics Posters with Real Photographs
I am really excited about this posters. I plan to post them on the wall as well as place them in binders for each group to have and read if they have finished other work. You can use these during guided reading lessons to focus on a specific phonics skill. This is a great resource for RTI interventions for students to read through these short vowel posters. At the bottom of each page is a sentence that focuses on the spelling pattern being taught.
Click HERE to see them in the store.
Family Time- Board Games
Lately my family has had fun playing some new board games. Feel free to try some of these out yourself with your friends and family.
Sheriff of Nottingham
Ticket to Ride
Mexican Dominoes
Thanks for listening to my randomness for the week!
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