I have some wonderfully exciting news to share, I will be the Media Specialist at my school next year! I interviewed and found out this week. This is thrilling to think about as I start to plan for next year. Please feel free to share your favorite things that your Media Specialist does at your school, so I can keep that in mind.
We read Chocolatina by Erik Kraft and Denise Brunkus, a story about a girl that turned into her favorite food, chocolate! Students then wrote about what it would be like to turn into their favorite food. Students then typed their writing and started to create Vokis.
We also read If I Built a Car by Chris Van Dusen and students designed their own car. They then wrote about the car in their writing journal. My students absolutely love sharing their writing. I had each student read their writing to the class. I noticed that my students needed to work on giving the person reading their undivided attention. So, I decided to let the person sharing their writing ask a comprehension question or two to the class after reading their story. If a student was able to answer the question they could move their "monster" on our behavior board. My students have never been so quiet and attentive while listening to their peers. This worked wonders!
Amazing Race
I talked previously about how my school is having an Amazing Race at school where teachers are on teams and completing challenges as well as counting up exercise time to make it to specific destinations. Well I am trying really hard to exercise, but I'm going from absolutely nothing to exercising so it's a bit hard. I ran some this week and we had a jump rope challenge where we needed to jump 360 times a day to earn points. My calves hurt so bad!
Here's my running partner, well not really, she likes to lay in the middle of the yard and watch me run. Our Australian Shepherd is the one that runs with me.
Rekenrek Task Cards for Math Stations
Students love solving these equations at math stations using rekenreks.
The BUNDLE is in my TPT store HERE
My students are also using this counting forward/backward task cards. They use a cards along with the Sock Puppets app on the iPad. They record themselves counting forward or backwards according to the card and then listen to the recording to make sure they did not skip any numbers. Students love listening to themselves talk even if it is counting!
The Counting Forward Cards can be found HERE
The Counting Backward Cards can be found HERE
Do your students come in wide awake and ready to share something with you each morning? Mine do! Don't every tell your students which sports teams you support/don't support, you will never hear the end of it! This is at about 7:30 in the morning...
Thanks for listening to my randomness for the week!

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