Yes, I realize that it is 2018 and this post is about the Georgia Educational Technology Conference from November of 2017, but the info is still good and I've been meaning to share. I will keep the descriptions short and to the point for you. Some of these are websites, some are ios apps and some of chrome extensions.
As a side note, I took the Level 1 Google Certification test this week and I am now:
You can make url
shortcuts that will look like or This is
great for presenting and needing everyone to go to a certain webpage.
Easily create bingo cards, hangman game, word
search etc. by importing lists from google sheets.
Is available for chromebooks. You can create
40 books for free.
Deep L is a language translator.
an ios app that takes a picture of something
(a person, book, receipt, anything) and tells you what it is. Download this app
on your phone and play with it. It tells you what it is looking at. For
example, you can scan a person and it will tell you how old the person is.
Honestly, not sure how I’d use it in the classroom, but I’ve been having fun
with it guessing people’s ages. My colleagues and I have enjoyed using it. It would also be great for someone with vision
You can change the qr
code destination. Basically create a QR code and give it out as a code to get
to homework and instead of changing the qr code every time homework etc.
changes, you can instead change where that code takes you.
I downloaded this app on my phone and I've started using it for making my grocery list and I share it with my husband. That way he can also add to the list and whoever goes to the store always has the list. I like that it allows you to immediately click on things in the list to mark them out instead of having to click backspace/delete for each letter of the word.
A trivia game where you place a pin point on a location to answer the
trivia question.
Shows a picture and you
can make a guess about where the picture was taken by placing a pin point on
the world map. There is also a challenge mode.
Allows you to see where
if you tunneled through the world at one location, where you would wind up on
the other side of the globe.
Played by two classrooms on Skype. The aim of
the game is to guess the location of the other classroom by asking each other
questions. It has totally transformed the way students learn about the world in
my school.
Can cover parts of the screen while you are
presenting. This is great for covering an answer and then revealing the answer to a math problem.
Can use this to send students a
message that will open in a new tab and can remind them to get to work, etc.
You can send the messages, but they can not reply.
It was interesting to learn that you can make a youtube playlist using google sheets. It even has a little thumbnail of the videos that you put in the playlist.
My husband is in the Innovative Champion program for the county and was also sent to GAETC. It was basically like being able to visit two sessions at once, because he could tell me everything he learned from the sessions he went attended.

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