My sister, Sam, found out this past summer (2017) that she had a brain tumor. It was unexpected and this is the second time she was told this news.
When she was 9 years old she was told she had a brain tumor as well. She had that tumor removed and she's been doing great for 20 years and then found out that she has another brain tumor.
In her usual Sam-way (this term refers to her being strong-willed, stubborn and a true fighter) she faced the problem right away. She scheduled surgery and had the tumor removed. She then went through months of radiation, and physical therapy. While she still does not have sight on her right side and her radiation is done, but now flaring (evidently, this means that there is lots of swelling) she continues to be inspiring. She works for Emory and they allow her to come into the office twice a week and work the other days from home. She is not able to drive, because of the loss of vision and takes uber on the days when she goes in to the office. She also has started making necklaces to help with her fine motor skills.
I wanted to share her story with you all and her Etsy store.
Her Etsy store is called CancerWarriorChic
She is also on instagram.
She has a variety of necklaces with Chakra stones.
Some of my favorites are the Rose Quartz, Carnelian, Blue Agate, Phantom Quartz and Unicorn Quartz.

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