Thought I'd start the year off with a 2018 post!
For some reason, I don't like the phrase "New Year's Resolution". Therefore, I am calling the following my goals of 2018.
I have got to find a good balance between work, TPT, school (grad school, I'm working on getting my specialist in library media), and fun aspects of life. Quite honestly, I also have goals for each of these areas. I'll try to keep those short and to the point.
Work- Google Certification this year. I am working on it this month actually. I've gotten better about not staying late or worrying too much about things at work, because they will be there the following day for me to work on. :) I'd like to keep this mindset for the rest of the year. It's hard to do this in education, but I'm getting better and better at it.
TPT- I have totally neglected TPT this past year. I have got to get organized and pace myself with realistic goals. Possibly, try for at least 1 instagram post a week, 2 new TPT products a month, 2 blog posts a month. I need to make a chart/check list to keep up with this. I love checklists, they are my jam!
Grad School- This is where all my time and attention has gone and it's not even going to end in 2018. I have 5 more classes. I plan to take 1 in spring, 2 in summer, 1 in fall and 1 in spring. I tried to take 2 at the beginning of this school year in fall, but just couldn't do it. Fall is such a busy time with it being the beginning of the school year and I have so many other things needing my attention during that time. So, I've paced the rest of my courses accordingly. I wish I could just rip it off like a band aid and be done with it, but slow and steady will win this race.
Yep, take care of me. I need to get more exercise, eat better, and drink more water. The holidays and cold weather are just terrible when you are trying to be healthy, so I have to get back on it. I still love taking my Plexus each morning and will continue in 2018.
Laugh more! This is a real goal. I am known for taking things too serious. I just have to laugh more. My husband is the best partner for this goal. We actually recently purchased a Nintendo Switch and have laughed like crazy while playing many games together. We also love board games. Have you played Exploding Kittens? Well, the people that made that also made Bears Vs. Babies and it has been lots of fun to play over the break.
Those are my basic goals for 2018!

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