Now that we are back at school, it's time to get back to the fun stuff!
The first week back we started with the Imagination Stations. Stations are the students' favorite thing in the media center. Each week when I announce that we are having stations this week they actually cheer. The sad part is that this works the same on weeks when I have a lesson. When I announce that we are not having stations for that week there is an audible groan. Ha!
I used a video to introduce the stations to students in August.
I usually give directions and act things out with students in grades K-2.
So, this was the first week that I introduced stations to kindergarten. I had so many directions to give them about where stations are located and where they can go once they get their station tub and how to make their choice on the chart, but they did an exceptional job of listening and understanding how it all works.
This week I also reintroduced OverDrive to students in 3rd-5th and introduced it to 1st and 2nd for the first time.
OverDrive is a platform that students use to check ebooks out to read and enjoy. This week I addressed how to search for books when you don't know what you want to read. Many students will search for Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Dork Diaries. If those are already checked out they give up and say that everything is already checked out. So, this week we looked at the home page and discussed how to use the categories to search for things that you are intereste. We also discussed how to just click "view more" to see more on the homepage on the topics that are already there like Most Popular or New Additions. Students seemed to appreciate this information and understand how to use the platform more easily.
We also discussed the three types of books available on OverDrive.
1. Ebooks- just a regular ebook with text that students click to turn pages and read themselves.
2. Audio Books- audio books are books for listening only. They do not have pictures or words for students to read.
3. Read Along Stories- These books show the pages and pictures as well as narration.
Overall, it was a successful week back at school.
This week looks more like this:

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