17 November 2014

Markdown Monday Linky Party November 17th-21st

How fun! A Markdown Monday Linky Party! This Linky party was started by Kelly and Kim's Kindergarten Blog go there to check even more awesome deals!

This week my best selling item, my HUGE Rekenrek Task Card Bundle Click Here is marked down 30%. It is usually $15 and is marked down to $10. This is also my most wish listed item and it would be a great time to take advantage of this offer.

I love and use these rekenreks task cards each day during Number Talks with the rekenreks that we made using pipe cleaners, pony beads and card stock.
The rekenrek bundle includes 5 different sets:
Set-1 Show me- Ex: Show me 8, how did you show 8?
Set 2 How many?- If you have 8 on the top, how many will you need on the bottom to make 12?
Set 3- How many in all? If you have 3 on the top and 4 on the bottom, how many do you have in all?
Set 4- Take away- If you have 4 and you take away 2 how many do you have now?
Set 5- Making Ten- 1 and how many make 10; 12 is how many more than 10?; 10 on the top and how many on the bottom make 11?

If you need more information about Number Talks, a wonderful resource is Number Talks By Sherry Parrish


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