29 November 2014

Supporting DonorsChoose FLASH GIVEAWAY on Georgia Peaches Giving Community

I don't know if you have heard of DonorsChoose, but it is absolutely a wonderful way to gain materials and resources for your classroom. You want an iPad? Write a donorschoose project. You want glue sticks? Write a donorschoose project! Etc.

Here is a list I made for a faculty meeting last year. Since then I have had many more projects funded including 4 Chromebooks. 

25 Canvas Tote Bags
12 Various Recycling books
Paper Making Kit
25 Child’s size T-Shirts
2 sets of alphabet and picture stencils
Fabric Paint and Fabric Paint Markers
10 Rolls of Laminating
6 Frisbees for kindergarten
Activity Mats for jumping jacks, squats, etc
100 Sheet Protectors
8 Headphones
Wireless Electronic Eggspert
3 Leapfrog Tag Reader books
6 Picture Dictionaries
NonFiction Leveled Readers from Lakeshore Learning (valued at $100)
20 Birdhouse Kits
Set of Acrylic Paints
Kickball Bases with Numbers
2 Kickballs
6 Jump Ropes
1 Year Subscription to Brainpopjr.com
1 Year Subscription to Speakaboos.com
Classpack of Crayola Markers
12 Character Education books
Black and Color INK
2 Mouse Pads
4 Magnetic Dry Erase Erasers
20 Primary Calculators
3,000 Address Labels

Georgia Peaches is a facebook community that works to support and promote donorschoose projects that are on their Giving Page. This may sound complicated, but it really isn't. 

Just start by making an account on DonorsChoose and the site will walk you through how to create a project. 

I am working with the Georgia Peaches Facebook Page to support the projects on their page. 

Check the facebook page for "Featured Projects" for a limited time that you can donate $1 and then receive one of these projects of your choice emailed to you. 

We would love for you to join the community and become involved with DonorsChoose.


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