30 June 2015

Currently July!

I am linking up on Oh' Boy 4th Grade to share about what is CURRENTLY happening in July!

Listening- Sara Bareilles- Once Upon A Time
I have always liked Sara Bareilles and I'm currently enjoying her Album, Once Upon A Time. I love that so many CD's/albums are FREE to listen to if you have Amazon Prime. I have the app on my phone and listen to all kinds of stuff for free! Amazon Prime just keeps getting better.

Loving- I ordered some new shampoo after having the sample in my birchbox. It is Davines Natural Tech Replumping Shampoo and smells SO GOOD!
Thinking- I need to work on new TPT products! I thought I would have lots more done at this point in the summer. I guess I have been enjoying myself a little too much.

Wanting- I have to go see Jurassic World! I enjoy Chris Pratt. He is so good in Guardians of the Galaxy!

Needing- A pedicure, you know when you get to the point where you really need one? Yeah, I am there! 

All Star- I am great at making LISTS! I can make lists for my lists. I love the feeling of checking something off a list once you have completed a task.
I make lists for classroom projects I need to create, TPT products to create, things to do for the nursery, cleaning, etc. 



  1. TOTALLY agree about TPT, sometimes life just gets in the way. I just can't find motivation to get going on finishing anything!
    I enjoy looking at Chris Pratt ;) I have heard mixed reviews about the movie though.
    Early Years with Sheri :)

  2. Hi Casey,
    Love your blog design! Really pretty colors! I hear you on thinking about creating more for TPT. I'm just getting started but I thought I'd be more productive. Summer just keeps getting in the way! Thanks for sharing your currently! I hope you enjoy the rest of the summer!
    Always Kindergarten

  3. We are on the same boat, girl! I have so many TpT products that need to be made it's ridiculous!! lol

    Buzzing With Mrs. McClain

  4. It is so hard to be productive in the summer. I think I'd do better with more frequent, shorter breaks.
    Not very fancy in 1st
