03 March 2015

Tech Tip Tuesday- Voki!

Tech Tip Tuesday- Voki!
Hosted by Techie Turtle Teacher

Today I'd like to talk to you about using Voki.com. I use Voki for students to publish their writing. On the site students can create an avatar and then record their voice or type their own writing and pick a computer automated voice to read their writing. 

I used Voki in Third Grade after reading The Sweetest Fig by Chris Van Alsburg

This story was very intriguing. Here is the amazon description: "These figs are very special," the woman whispered. "They can make your dreams come true." -- Thus Monsieur Bibot, the cold-hearted dentist, was given two ordinary-looking figs as payment for extracting a tooth from an old woman's mouth. Monsieur Bibot refused to believe such nonsense and proceeded to eat one of the figs for a bedtime snack. Although it was possibly the finest, sweetest fig he had ever tasted, it wasn't until the next morning that Monsieur Bibot realized it indeed had the power to make his dreams come true. While dragging his poor dog, Marcel, out for his walk, he discovered that his strange dream from the night before was becoming all too real. Determined to make good use of the second fig, Monsieur Bibot learns to control is dreams. But can he control Marcel? Once again Chris Van Allsburg explores the mysterious territory between fantasy and reality in an uncanny tale that will intrigue readers of all ages.

I then had students write a story about eating something that would make their dreams come true.
Here are some examples of how some of their Vokis turned out:


        I hope you enjoyed our stories! There are so many options for how you can use this site for students to publish their writing. You can then upload these stories onto your website to share with their parents, families, friends and other classrooms.

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