17 April 2015

Five For Friday- 4/17

I am so happy to be linking up with DoodleBugs Five For Friday
Maps, Maps, Maps
We've been learning about Maps this week and here are some books I read to my class. 

We also created a model of our house with a brown paper bag. 

Cool websites I want to share about!


So, I just found out about this site and thought I would share. You can exchange old gift cards that you may not want, because you don't usually go to that particular store or restaurant for a gift card that you prefer. They do take a percentage when you complete the exchange. For example, I exchanged a $25 Cheesecake Factory gift card for $17.50 to GameStop, for my husband. I never go to the Cheesecake Factory, that gift card had been in my purse for almost 3 years.

You should try it out:

Here's another site I would like to share about, but watch out it is super addicting!
They have the cutest clothes and items. They send an email to you with daily deals from other sites. I bought the shirts shown below and had SOOO many compliments at work this week. 

Bird Verbs

Fairy Tale Writing
Here are some that we read this week:

We have been reading lots of Fairy Tales and we started writing our own versions of our favorite story today. It is only the beginning of the story and we plan to continue this writing next week. This is a great test for if you can read kindergarten....

Abigayil Riding Hood took cookies to her granny's house. 

Japunzel instead of Rapunzel and she was in a tall castle instead of a tower.

Three Silly Cats Gruff!

Abigayella instead of Cinderella and she had an evil sister. 

Three Princess that built houses.

Yes, this last one says Zombies Gruff and evidently they wanted to hot dogs!

We had a treat from our Administration today, the Varsity Truck visited our school during lunch and we were given a free meal! So good, but I def needed a nap afterwards!

I ate a chili burger, chili hot god, some french fries and onion rings! Yes, you read that correct, and I survived!

I hope you enjoyed my randomness from the week!


07 April 2015

Tech Tip Tuesday- Twitter as PL!

Tech Tip Tuesday- Twitter as PL

If you are an educator and you are not on Twitter, you should truly consider trying it out. It is such a great place for Professional Learning while still in your PJ's and sitting on your comfy couch at home. No better Professional Learning than that. I really think the PL for Teacher Work Days should be conducted on Twitter, then everyone gets a chance to speak and learn at their own pace. 

I really enjoy using Twitter, because you can "follow" educational authors and companies that interest you and you will see the most current things they have to offer. You can also speak your own mind easily and share ideas with other educators around the globe. Twitter has opened the door for all kinds of learning and growing between educators.
Some Educators/Companies I follow include: Dave Burgess, Google, Google Drive, GoNoodle, Popplet, Plickers, QRStuff, edutopia, ClassDojo, TPT, Mo Willems, ISTE, WeAreTeachers, AdoptAClassroom, DonorsChoose, Edmodo, Kid President, National Geographic, RemindHQ, Arne Duncan, NEA, National Science Foundation, Roald Dahl, Jerry Spinelli, Kahoot. 
I also follow friends and teachers at my own school as well as my county's Assistant Superintendent and our English Language Arts Coordinator for the county. Twitter gives you the opportunity to feel and be involved with your county/community. 

Twitter is FREE Professional Development you merely have to join in on a conversation. I admit you could "lurk" (watch the twitter conversation, not introduce yourself and not join in on the convo) and you would also gain valuable information. I started out that way, but it is way more fun to join the convo and network yourself. It is very rewarding to share your thoughts and ideas and then have other educators "favorite" your ideas and notions. Once you start, you just can't stop. Don't be afraid to "favorite" other educator's experiences, opinions, and perceptions they tweet about as well.

I will say that when I engage in a specific "chat" and I want to follow along with the conversation easily, I use tweetdeck on my computer. You can then search a specific hashtag and only tweets with that hashtag will show up for you to view. It is easier to follow along that way. 
Here is what tweetdeck.com looks like on the computer,

My twitter name is @CasedillaCrumbs I use it for personal and professional things on twitter, I know many people have two accounts and you may prefer it that way as well. 

The main Twitter Chats that I currently have my phone alarm set for are Sunday's #TPTChat at 8:00 EST and Thursday's #gaed - Georgia Education, but we recently had the superintendent of a school in New Jersey join in on the chat, so I don't think you should feel that you can't join in. 

Lastly, let's discuss HASHTAGS!

They are extremely powerful for getting your message seen by many eyes, but also just have fun with them. I think hashtags are so fun and will often have my sense of humor shown through hashtags, because why not? It's fun and I enjoy it. #dontbetooserious #hashtagsarefun #hashtag #dontbealurker

Do you have certain Twitter Chats that you enjoy?
What is your favorite hashtag?

06 April 2015

Movie Clip Monday- Caine's Arcade

Movie Clip Monday- Caine's Arcade
I am linking up with Techie Turtle Teacher for Movie Clip Monday with Caine's Arcade!

This video is inspirational and shows a child's imagination and creativity in its purest form! The video makes me want to teach STEM Activities all day :)

Continue to encourage your students and give them the tools and experiences they need to succeed and accomplish their dreams.


05 April 2015

ICYMI in March

ICYMI- In Case You Missed It!
I am linking up with Techie Turtle Teacher to showcase my latest products created in March.

If you click the photos they will take you to the products and give you more info!

Animal Research with QR Codes

Picture of the Day Animal Similarities and Differences

Picture of the Day Plants Similarities and Differences

Addition Subtraction, Multiplication, and Alphabet Egg Hunt

Rabbit Hop Clip Art

I'd love to hear your thoughts on my newest products!


03 April 2015


I love the idea of this LINKY and have found so much great information just browsing through all the other schedules in this LINKY. #togetherwearebetter

I teach kindergarten at a Title 1 school in Georgia. I have 17 students in my class and I have a paraprofessional. Yes, I know I am spoiled and will never have this small of a class ever again! 
Here is a very basic look at my schedule.

Here are some details for each part of my day. 

Yes, students start to arrive at 7:15 and at 7:15 I am most likely drinking an Iced Caramel Machiatto from Starbucks (again, yes I realize I am spoiled....) and waiting for it to kick in while smiling and greeting each student as they walk in the classroom.
Students immediately take their folders out of their bookbags, put their bookbags in their cubbies, make their lunch choice and their free center choice (they go there in the afternoon, but I have them make their choice in the morning) and then they go to breakfast if they did not eat at home. 

Others are completing morning work which is usually some kind of review that I have noticed my students need and they are also responded to a picture of the day by writing and drawing a picture. Once they complete their morning work students can get an iPad or get on a laptop and go to one of many choices posted in the classroom while using the devices. 

Here are some examples of the Picture of the Day photographs I often project onto our whiteboard to increase knowledge and vocabulary on this topic. 

You can see on the back of the cubbies (that I sponge painted purple) I have a pocket chart hanging. It has laminated cards with student names/numbers on the front and then a magnet is on the back of each card. The board next to it is magnetic and it is separated into lunch choices 1,2,3 and the bottom is where students place their card if they brought their lunch from home. Removing their card from the pocket chart is also I way for me to see easily to complete attendance of who is here and who is not. I will have to take a better picture after Spring Break, this is just one I had on my computer. 
 Computers and iPads for after morning work:

This is the chart I use for students to make their Free Center choice in the morning. I have adapted it and added many centers with photographs of specific things I have and I use photographs of students instead of what it shows in this picture. I bought my chart at reallygoodstuff.com, but I just looked an I don't see it there anymore. :( I love this chart, it is one designed by Debbie Diller - she is so good!!

For Morning Meeting we greet each other with many random fun greetings I've come up with or seen others use and then we very briefly look at calendar, the date, and upcoming events for the month.

Writing is my absolute favorite part of the day! I enjoy seeing how students express themselves during writing. They each want to tell you something and talk to you. Writing time gives them a way to tell talk to you and it lets you get to know your students a little better each and every day by reading their thoughts on paper. 
I love using technology to publish writing as well. I have written blog posts about using blabberize, voki, and morpho to publish writing. So fun!
One very important thing for writing in kindergarten is having a Word Wall with words that are visible from all parts of the classroom! They must be able to see the words you are asking them to write!!! 

We use F and P (Fountas and Pinnell) to guide our Phonics mini lessons and then include these along with other resources in our Literacy Centers. During this time my para monitors students working at centers, while I call groups that are ability grouped based on their running record level to come to my kidney shaped table for guided reading. 
I use lots of guided reading tools and I have students write about the stories we read in Reading Logs (a notebook) after enjoying a story.
Guided Reading Tools:

We work on Science for one or two weeks and then we work on Social Studies for one or two weeks and rotate them out. We also try to integrate Science/S.S. into literacy centers and writing when possible. 

Number Talks!! So important and so quick. We use subitizing cards, ten frames and rekenreks during this time. I have the perfect Rekenrek Task Cards for number talks. 

For Whole Group Math, we usually introduce a new concept and use the Georgia Frameworks, or a game, and also use Van De Walle



I have my Math groups ability grouped based on assessments and have each station differentiated for the different groups. 

I color code folders within tubs to differentiate activities. 

I mentioned Debbie Diller earlier and seriously, if you have not read her math stations, literacy stations and even her room organization books- you should! I actually just let another teacher at my school borrow them all for Spring Break! :)

I try to come up with things that are very relevant and interesting for students during this time. I like to have new choices for students as the year goes on. 
We recently turned kitchen/house keeping into an ice cream shop and students LOVE IT!

We have computer/library every other week.
Wednesdays we do not have a special and I usually plan a craft for students to complete during this time.
Sadly, we have music and art every other week :( 
Bring back the arts!!

And that' it folks! 
Thanks for joining us for a day!
