Maps, Maps, Maps
We've been learning about Maps this week and here are some books I read to my class.
We also created a model of our house with a brown paper bag.
Cool websites I want to share about!
So, I just found out about this site and thought I would share. You can exchange old gift cards that you may not want, because you don't usually go to that particular store or restaurant for a gift card that you prefer. They do take a percentage when you complete the exchange. For example, I exchanged a $25 Cheesecake Factory gift card for $17.50 to GameStop, for my husband. I never go to the Cheesecake Factory, that gift card had been in my purse for almost 3 years.
You should try it out:
Here's another site I would like to share about, but watch out it is super addicting!
They have the cutest clothes and items. They send an email to you with daily deals from other sites. I bought the shirts shown below and had SOOO many compliments at work this week.
Bird Verbs
Fairy Tale Writing
Here are some that we read this week:
We have been reading lots of Fairy Tales and we started writing our own versions of our favorite story today. It is only the beginning of the story and we plan to continue this writing next week. This is a great test for if you can read kindergarten....
Abigayil Riding Hood took cookies to her granny's house.
Japunzel instead of Rapunzel and she was in a tall castle instead of a tower.
Three Silly Cats Gruff!
Abigayella instead of Cinderella and she had an evil sister.
Three Princess that built houses.
Yes, this last one says Zombies Gruff and evidently they wanted to hot dogs!
We had a treat from our Administration today, the Varsity Truck visited our school during lunch and we were given a free meal! So good, but I def needed a nap afterwards!
I ate a chili burger, chili hot god, some french fries and onion rings! Yes, you read that correct, and I survived!
I hope you enjoyed my randomness from the week!

Is varsity truck a food truck?
ReplyDeleteThose 3D maps are so cute. I did something like that with seeds and physical maps years ago.
Kovescence of the Mind
Yes, The Varsity has a food truck that visited our school. It is a restaurant established in 1928 in Atlanta, that you have to go to if you ever visit Atlanta. They always yell out "Whata ya have?" When you go to order and their frosted oranges are amazing!