If you are an educator and you are not on Twitter, you should truly consider trying it out. It is such a great place for Professional Learning while still in your PJ's and sitting on your comfy couch at home. No better Professional Learning than that. I really think the PL for Teacher Work Days should be conducted on Twitter, then everyone gets a chance to speak and learn at their own pace.
I really enjoy using Twitter, because you can "follow" educational authors and companies that interest you and you will see the most current things they have to offer. You can also speak your own mind easily and share ideas with other educators around the globe. Twitter has opened the door for all kinds of learning and growing between educators.
Some Educators/Companies I follow include: Dave Burgess, Google, Google Drive, GoNoodle, Popplet, Plickers, QRStuff, edutopia, ClassDojo, TPT, Mo Willems, ISTE, WeAreTeachers, AdoptAClassroom, DonorsChoose, Edmodo, Kid President, National Geographic, RemindHQ, Arne Duncan, NEA, National Science Foundation, Roald Dahl, Jerry Spinelli, Kahoot.
I also follow friends and teachers at my own school as well as my county's Assistant Superintendent and our English Language Arts Coordinator for the county. Twitter gives you the opportunity to feel and be involved with your county/community.
Twitter is FREE Professional Development you merely have to join in on a conversation. I admit you could "lurk" (watch the twitter conversation, not introduce yourself and not join in on the convo) and you would also gain valuable information. I started out that way, but it is way more fun to join the convo and network yourself. It is very rewarding to share your thoughts and ideas and then have other educators "favorite" your ideas and notions. Once you start, you just can't stop. Don't be afraid to "favorite" other educator's experiences, opinions, and perceptions they tweet about as well.
I will say that when I engage in a specific "chat" and I want to follow along with the conversation easily, I use tweetdeck on my computer. You can then search a specific hashtag and only tweets with that hashtag will show up for you to view. It is easier to follow along that way.
Here is what tweetdeck.com looks like on the computer,
My twitter name is @CasedillaCrumbs I use it for personal and professional things on twitter, I know many people have two accounts and you may prefer it that way as well.
The main Twitter Chats that I currently have my phone alarm set for are Sunday's #TPTChat at 8:00 EST and Thursday's #gaed - Georgia Education, but we recently had the superintendent of a school in New Jersey join in on the chat, so I don't think you should feel that you can't join in.
Lastly, let's discuss HASHTAGS!
They are extremely powerful for getting your message seen by many eyes, but also just have fun with them. I think hashtags are so fun and will often have my sense of humor shown through hashtags, because why not? It's fun and I enjoy it. #dontbetooserious #hashtagsarefun #hashtag #dontbealurker
Do you have certain Twitter Chats that you enjoy?
What is your favorite hashtag?

Oh hi #tptchat! Love twitter and all of the education chats. Another favorite of mine is #reflectiveteacher on Sundays #tlap and #edtech.
I knew you would like the mention of #tptchat. #tlap is another good one! Teach Like A Pirate!
DeleteThanks for linking up again! I love Twitter. It is definitely a fun and easy way to connect with other teachers.
Techie Turtle Teacher
I agree! My journey started out very slowly, but I feel like I'm getting it now. I'd love to start a #teacherblogsaturday to share teacher blogs. If we just all start using a hashtag and sharing blogs with it is that how it works?
Not very fancy in 1st